Monday, March 25, 2013


With spring break here, it's easy to have a clear, sensible head. 

Just kidding. Still trying to escape my mind.

All I know is that with everything that's happened in this past month, I am done being... me. It's seriously time to change. Pretty much everything. In my earlier posts I was talking about how change sucks, but it my case, I could use it.

Why I am putting this on the Internet, I'm not sure. (I loathe those girls who post all their personal issues on the Internet, but that's exactly who I've been, right from the beginning. Call me a hypocrite, I deserve it.) It is in part due to the fact I don't really have a place to vent other than this, but I find it is mostly driven by the fact I really don't care anymore (Before I would have been mortified if any human soul had seen my posts. Still kind of am, but that's beside the point). No matter what, we are always judged, so why not do whatever the hell our heart tells us to?  That is something I have overlooked for far too long, because I am one of those people who places a great deal on what other people think of them.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I have let people and their judgments rule me for too long. I have lost many opportunities because of my foolishness. Now I'm left here, not for the first time, looking at all the things I missed out on, all the happiness I managed to cut out of my life.

And so, rather than doing what is in my nature, which is sitting around doing absolutely nothing, I am going to freaking change, stop complaining, and get a hold of my life, because there is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much more to life than this. Moping around like a stereotypical teenage girl, who thinks the world is against her. I refuse to be that girl anymore.

Done rambling now. Feel free to judge, just don't expect me to give a damn.

Saturday, March 9, 2013


I am utterly, completely, 10000000% lost.
Just when I thought things were okay, something happened. I am not even sure what.
What happens when the one person you thought would always be there for you, starts treating you like you're nothing to them? Like you're an annoyance? And just the other day they acted as if they wanted to be around you?
It was like the flip of a switch. I went from feeling super lucky to feeling like absolute crap.
I seriously hope this isn't permanent.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


It's the oldest story really. Everyone, at some point in their life, has to deal with change. This change can be monumental or small. Either way, something shifts. That one aspect of your life can never go back to what it once was.
We all deal with this in different ways. I myself tend to ignore it, and continue on as best I can. But that gets tiring. Especially when you miss what you once had. Especially when you thought that it would always be there.

I belonged. Or at least I thought I did. And now, I have nothing.

Change sucks.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

First Post!!! (Sorta;not really)

Hey guys! So this isn't technically my first post, but we'll just call it that ;)
In case you haven't read my extremely vague bio, (shame on you) I'm Bethany. My world revolves around singing and acting, but I'm also interested in fashion, photography, and yes, food.
Right now I'm just trying to figure out who I am. (Isn't every teenager?)
I'm about to begin a new chapter in my life: high school.
While that thought still hasn't fully sunken in, this blog will be about the long road there. My adventures, my mishaps, and more.
Stay tuned for my mad blogging skills :)

Friday, June 1, 2012

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring Holiday

1. I decided to draw a beautiful spring day. I beleive that this picture really shows what a spring day is like with the flowers and the brilliant sun.
2. An interesting fact I discovered was that St. Patrick's day is celebrated in honor of Saint Patrick, who converted the people in Ireland to Christian faith.
One interesting fact about St. Patrick's day is that Saint Patrick used the three-leafed shamrock to explain the Christian holy trinity.
Another interesting fact is that we celebrate on March 17th because Saint Patrick died on March 17th, 461 AD.
The original color of St. Patrick's day is blue, but Irish people have associated the color green because it is said in legends that mortal creatures and fairies wear green.
These facts were found at:

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


These facts were found at:

1. To get a color from a ceratin image, you must select the eyedropper-like icon on the left side, then you click on the place where this color is.
2. If you want to make a textbox transparent or a different color you right click on the color you want, then you click the "Text" icon.
3. To change the color of your text, you click the color you want, then select the "Text" icon. IF you want to change your font size and font style you click the "View" button at the top, then select "Text Bar".
4. You have to make sure your text is 100% accurate before you click off the text box because it becomes a part of the picture, so you can't edit it.